Restaurant Inspections

Violation Details

Violations (Two types of violations may be cited):

  • Priority: Violations of the food service code, which, if left uncorrected, are more likely than other violations to directly contribute to food contamination and illness. Examples of critical violations include inadequate temperatures. Such problems can create environments that cause bacteria to grow and thrive, which puts the consumer at risk for foodborne illness.
  • Core Items: Violations not directly related to the cause of foodborne illness, but if uncorrected, could impede the operation of the restaurant. The likelihood of food-borne illness in these cases is very low. Examples of non-critical violations include a lack of facility cleanliness and maintenance or improper cleaning of non-food contact surfaces. 
  • COS : Corrected on Site


Office Hours

To speak with our Environmental Public Health Specialist call 417-637-2345 or fax 417-637-2507.

Other Services

Water Testing

This office provides water testing for bacteria. These tests are performed in-house at the Dade County Health Department. Technical assistance is provided as to treatment systems and well construction requirements.

Emergency Management Planning

Our office is also involved in Emergency Management Planning and committed to assisting our citizens to recover in the event of a county emergency. 

Whether your concern is rabies, West Nile virus, mad cow disease, or bio-terrorism, please feel free to contact this office at 417-637-2345.

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